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Should You Outsource Your Digital Marketing Or Keep it In-House?

There’s a battle in many businesses over this question. Should a business do their own digital marketing, or hire a consultant or marketing company to take care of their marketing? And if it's in house, should it be done by an internal hire,…

7 Steps to Launching a Successful Marketing Campaign

Every business needs a marketing action plan and campaign. Every business will have a different strategy but the steps to launching a successful campaign are the same across the board. The type of campaign is the only difference. 1. Begin…
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Digital Marketing Trends and Tips for 2019 and Beyond

How will digital marketing help your business grow in 2019 and beyond? Digital marketing isn't going away anytime soon, but platforms used to advertise your business change from time to time. It's important to keep up with those changes to…
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Why You Should Advertise on Social

Paid Social Media advertising is quickly becoming an integral component of a cohesive marketing plan for businesses both large and small. By harnessing technology that allows companies to deliver messages to well-targeted audiences, social…